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    President Zhao Lingyun Visited Our School for Research and Instruction

    PostBy: hbs04红宝石线路    addtime: 2018-08-30 13:02:33   hit:

    On the morning of August 27th, President Zhao Lingyun visited our school for research and instruction. You Li, CPC Secretary of our school, as well as Executive Vice Dean Liu Qingtang, Vice Dean Zuo Mingzhang, Deputy Secretary Zhong Wenrui, Department Head Tong Mingwen and young teacher Li Wenhao attended the forum.

    Executive vice Dean, Liu Qingtang firstly introduced basic information of our school, including development goals, discipline construction, scientific research, talent cultivation, students employment, and social services etc… As for the school development, he said we’ll try to take into account both nation and individuals, not only participate in the national education informatization strategic plan and first-class disciplines, construction but also take part in building education informatization demonstration area which serves teachers and students. With an international horizon and the feature of highly integrating information technology with education, our school attaches great importance to the self-development on informatization, as well as the research of applied innovation. Besides, he analyzed the opportunities and challenges in the school development pointed out the difficulties and problems in the discipline construction of platform construction, team construction, resource allocation and system etc... Other participants also reported relevant information.

    President Zhao Lingyun expressed the approval and thanks for what we did in school development, and then give proper responses to some questions from teachers in his view, the discipline of educational information technology and SEIT play a big part in the discipline system of school and even the whole university. Discipline of educational information technology had become the highlight of school development, which is supposed to be the growth point reflecting development direction of national education informatization and educational modernization. Zhao expected we would be fully self-confident striving for a better school with great disciplines.

    At the end of the forum, Zhao offered some suggestions for the future development of our school considering the existing problems and the actual situation. Firstly, the school should vigorously promote the innovation of educational informatization. Try to bravely explore in aspects like educational philosophy, educational means and educational technology so as to serve the community. Secondly, SEIT should assist the university in formulating development strategy under the background of informatization. In addition the school itself should set an example in education reform. Thirdly, the school should serve the community more thoroughly. Making efforts in social service like planning educational informatization and training teachers' information technology ability. Forthly, it’s essential for the school to introduce scientific spirit and scientific culture into campus culture through college student education, as subject science education can play an important role in it. Besides, he also emphasized that the university would carry the work step forward in reformation, development and management. Talents introduction and personnel training would be further implemented. Only then can the university quickly become better. Zhao also required for preparation to start school at the stage and to make sure for greeting new students.

    The present members claimed that they take in and carry out Zhao’s requirements and try to fulfill the mission of school development with high responsibility