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PostBy: admin    addtime: 2016-07-06 14:50:51   hit:

 The department of Audio-Visual Education was established in June 1985, which was developed from Institute of Applied Physics in Central China Normal University (CCNU). In 1993, the department of Audio-Visual Education was renamed as the department of Information Technology. In June 2012, IT department and Information and Communication Department were jointed. The new college was named as the college of Information and Communication. In June 2013, the jointed college was separated and the one of a new college was named as College of Educational Information Technology.

In 1985, the college began to offer Audio-Visual Education bachelor program, as well as a master’s program, namely Radio Physics and Radio Electronics. In 1995, it had Educational Technology master’s program. In 2005, two doctoral programs in Educational Technology and Information Science and Technology could be offered in this college.

    In 2001, a new program was launched, which was Electronic Information Engineering. This program could offer bachelor and master degree.

   In 2006, another new bachelor program in the college was launched, which was Digital Media Technology. Later, in 2013, the master’s program of this major was offered.

   In 2007, a pilot interdisciplinary program, namely Journalism and Information Technology, was launched.

   The College of Educational Information Technology has made great progress since 1985. In 2006, a “Digital Media and Visualization for Education” lab was built in this college. In 2008, Educational Technology was qualified as one of key disciplines in Hubei province and then was involved into special construction project of Ministry of Education in 2010. Recently many laboratories in this college are improved. In 2008, the Laboratory of Educational Technology Program in the College was qualified as Hubei Provincial Demonstration Center. Later, this Center was further funded by Ministry of Education and Financial Section and renamed as National Comprehensive Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center. The foundation of National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning at CCNU is based on the Educational Technology program in the college of Educational Information Technology. This center was founded in 2004 and in 2009 it was approved to become one of national engineering research centers. This center is the only one in the field of educational information among several national engineering research centers. In 2011, Digital Media Technology program was selected in Hubei plan of cultivating new talent.