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    Salute To The 19th National Congress of CPC

    PostBy: hbs04红宝石线路    addtime: 2018-10-20 12:14:55   hit:

    The 19th national congress of the communist party of China has been held in Beijing on oct 18, and ended on oct20. The 19th national congress of the communist party is a significant meeting held at the time when we will build a well-off society and a critical period in which the socialism with Chinese characteristics enter into a new era ,a meeting which means the communist party don’t forget their initial dream ,remember their mission ,insist their banners ,stick to be united and go ahead ,and is also a meaningful meeting in history during the development of the communist party and nation.

    Youth will prosper the country, and youth will strengthen the country .If the young generation has dreams, abilities and responsibilities, the country will have a great future and the nation will have hope .Young students have to profoundly understand the Chinese people and the Chinese nation’s unremitting struggling history and the great course, unswervingly follow the lead of the communist party of China, firm he faith ,keep the great dreams ,be down-to-earth, persist in standing in front of the age, make the young’s dreams come true during the vivid practice to realize Chinese dream , write glorious chapter in life in the unremitting efforts for the benefit of the people!

    In order to celebrate the opening of the 19th party congress ,the party committee of education information technology college organized the party building a team to tackle the visible project and concentrated the advantageous force to produce the film "party important conference tour" as a gift for the ninth party under the instructions of the party committee organization department, the party school, and the research and engineering department of the university .History has fully proved that the leadership of the CPC is the choice of both history and the people as well as reality and the people .The party congress is an important meeting concerning the construction of the party and the development of the nation .Do you have a good command of it ? Let us open this short film, relive the party history, do not forget the original heart, remember the mission, and keep moving!